43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Production Schedule

My Production Schedule runs as follows.
  1. Organising dates for filming with actors Ryan and Lee. Dates decided were Monday 7th March and Monday 14th March
  2. Ryan and Lee's permission required - release forms to be filled in.
  3. Once dates set, tripod and camera must be booked in the atrium. Will need to aquire teacher permission. Tripods only can be booked for 3 days at a time. Will have to book on Monday mornings.
  4. Sequence in common room, hallway and staircase to be filmed on Monday 7th and sequence in computer room and alleyway filmed on 14th.
  5. Will edit sequence for 1.5 hours on Tuesday 8th and Tuesday 15th.
  6. Add logo and title sequence.

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